
This site didn’t happen on it own, it’s beginnings come from a friend living far away from home longing to watch the Ravens kick ass on Sundays… so I made it possible. As I shared these games with a few more friends it became necessary to acquire a server that could handle the load of a live streaming site. None of this is free, there’s monthly server costs to make it happen, an IPTV subscription to obtain the games I don’t have direct access to, and the time invested in keeping everything running smoothly. I do this first, because I wanted to see if I could, and second, I think it’s absurd fans have to jump through so many hoops / dig deep into their pockets to watch the teams they love.

If you appreciate what I’ve created here and the service it provides I’d like you to consider making a small donation… I’m not looking to quit my job doing this, but it would be nice if I could raise $30 a month to cover the costs involved with running everything… and if you can’t donate, that’s fine too, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing until I can’t afford to do it anymore or I get shutdown.

Ways to Donate
